Our sweet baby boy is here! Andrew arrived on February 9th, 2015 at 5:02 pm.
He weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20.25 inches long!
He is just perfect!!
I reported to my doctor's office that morning and they did a sonogram. Everything looked good at the sonogram, but Andrew wasn't moving as much as usual. He hadn't been in the days leading up either. Although it is normal for babies to slow down before birth...I knew my doctor wouldn't take any chances on being wrong.
Sure enough he checked me and I was already 3cm dilated. He went ahead and sent me up to delivery. We settled in and they checked my platelets. They were only 99 and they really want a 100 or higher to administer an epidural. They went ahead and allowed me one since it was so stinking close!! :)
They started the Pitocin at noon on Monday and I delivered Andrew at 5:02pm. I thought he may come a little faster, but I still had a pretty easy labor (if there is such a thing.) He was sunny side up until delivery and it made for some of the worst back labor I could have imagined! It was so intense in my lower back and pelvis that the contraction monitor they had on top of my belly was not even hardly picking anything up. Very bizarre.
There is nothing quite like the moment that you need to push. I have to say that every time I wonder if I will know when its time...but let me say YOU KNOW! I have always had Pitocin so I don't know how much that effects my labors, but I was mid sentence with Bradley and I yelled, 'I need to push NOW!' I called the nurse and proceeded to yell the same thing at her.
Sure enough, after about 5 contractions he was here! I really felt like I pushed for an eternity. It was the most pushing I have had to do. The girls both came after about 2 pushes. The nurse so sweetly reminding me that although that felt so long to me... I was extremely lucky I wasn't the lady next door that had been pushing for an hour and a half. Believe me, I am so grateful for easy deliveries! I had a teeny tear that required 1 or 2 stitches and other than that I was up and moving as soon as the epidural wore off. The worst of my pain was my back. I am pretty sure I pulled muscles from all the back labor and pushing.
Andrew came out just beautiful. I have had so many compliments on his amazing complexion! He was so pink and rosy right away! He also promptly reminded us that he was all boy by peeing straight up all over the wall as they tried to clean him! Haha!
The weight that they got in the delivery room was exactly 8 pounds. That was the weight that they wrote down for hospital records, but as soon as we got to our room and the nursery re-weighed...he was 8 pounds 4 ounces. They checked three times and he was the same all three times. He also was perfectly still for the nursery and never would quit moving in the delivery room. So although his records say 8...he was really 8.4.
They girls came to meet him about 30 minutes after he arrived. Addy was immediately smitten and in love. She wanted to hold him and kiss on him. She takes her big sister roll seriously, and she is so good at it. She was very aware of Elli's apprehensions and kept encouraging her to kiss Andrew or hold his hand.
Elli was extremely concerned. She really couldn't handle me being all hooked up and in the bed. It was quite a little while before she would let me hold her or hug on her. She was equally scared of Andrew's crying. It was very overwhelming for her and I think rightfully so. That is a lot for a two year old to take in. Once I got to my room and it was just us and grandparents she started to liven up!
We love being close to grandparents! Both sets of our parents were there just after delivery. It was a great evening of having them there to get to meet there newest grandson. I was also thankful that Bradley's mom came armed and ready with my Dr. Pepper! I was so refreshed by that and some yummy chick fil a since I had not eaten all day!
The next morning my sister and her husband came to meet Andrew!
We stayed almost exactly 24 hours in the hospital and we headed home! I am always a fan of getting back to my own bed rather than hang around the hospital. Since everything went so smoothly they let us jet! My parents helped us home and got us settled in before leaving us to our first night as a family of 5!!!
Congratulations! Hope you're enjoying life as a family of 5 with another boy in the house now :)