
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wee School Christmas Parties

My girls were on a serious sugar high after their Wee School Christmas parties! :)

The hardest part for me about teaching at the same place my girls are has to be missing out on all of their parties. These two are troopers and handle it fine, but I hate not getting to be with them! This was the first time that they had to fly solo. Usually I get grandparents to come stand in for me, but I had thought Bradley was going to be available to come and at the last minute he ended up having court. 

He did however, get done and back to enjoy the end of their parties and pick them up. I didn't get a picture of him and Elli, but she was refusing to eat and was pretty upset until he got there. She was the only one without a parent and was refusing to eat for her teachers.
Addy though is such a big girl. I had explained that I wouldn't be there, and thankfully our sweet friend Ginna took her under her wing and helped her get her plate and such!

My own class party was a success and blast! I had planned a gingerbread cookie hunt prior to our party. We made our cookies earlier that morning and sent them to the oven. Then right before the party we headed down to the oven to get our cookies out so we could decorate them...and they were GONE! They left a note in the oven with a clue and those cookies sent us four more places before the final clue landed us back in our room where they were waiting for us, along with all the parents! :)
I can't say enough thank yous to the moms that helped prepare our room for the party and the staff that helped make the morning a success! It was a great team effort, but the kids were amazed!

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