
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Baby Number 3

The Anderle family is growing again! We couldn't be more excited and a little shocked to announce that we will be welcoming a baby in February!
While this particular timing came as a shock and surprise, I had started coming around to the idea of adding more to our clan in a year or so (Bradley didn't need convincing). We had a big Disney trip planned for next May (that is now been postponed) and I adamantly wanted to wait until after the trip to get pregnant again.
Well, there's a loophole. While I had made this grand plan, I was contradicting myself in prayer. I am not a huge fan of pregnancy itself...though I love my babies, and it is really hard for me to decide to get preggers. So all along my prayer has been, 'Lord, if I am meant to have more children I really hope we have a slip up because deciding to get pregnant is so hard for me!''s amazing and baffling to see your prayers answered so plainly.
Addy is beyond the moon excited and has been asking for another baby for a few months now. It was so fun to tell her. We knew that she would figure it out as we told family so we chose to tell her first even though it was early in the pregnancy. We included Elli even though we knew she wasn't sure what all the hype was about!

I am a little more concerned how Elli will handle a new baby. That sweet girl has been just a little spoiled to pretty much having my sole attention for a long time, and I have been completely ok with it. She will be just over two when we have this baby, but lots of transitions will have to happen before then.

I know that having another sibling will be the best thing ever for my girls. I cannot wait to see if we will be getting another precious girl or traveling down a new road with a boy.

Please continue praying for us as this has already been a bit of a rocky start with my health and the pregnancy. I will be updating more soon! We know that God has an ultimate plan for our family and we cannot wait to watch it unfold over the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That is exciting news for your family. We will be praying for all of you in the months ahead :)
