
Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer 2014 Week 3 -Vacation Bible School

This week was another exception to our regularly scheduled summer because we had vacation bible school at church. It was beyond fun!
Both girls had a blast making crafts, learning new songs, playing with friends and learning bible stories! Here Elli is showing off her tree that she made with her little handprints! :)
Most days they super eager to get into the Church to their classes.
But having that much fun is exhausting! This is how Elli looked on two different days when I picked her up!
And most days we came home and all three just sat on the couch and vegged out!
Thursday evening the kids had their performance of the songs they had been working on all week. Totally unlike me, but I forgot my camera and so these next few pictures are just awful!

Addy gets so excited to get on stage and perform! She did great and had a blast!
A special thank you this week to sweet Ms. Keron! Addy got pulled out of a class with all her friends and was put into Keron's. She really struggled with coming each morning, but Keron made it special and fun for her! This lady has a special place in all of our hearts for the extra time and love she is always showing my sweet girl!!

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