Future Red Raider!
Pretty Blue Eyes
Loving on her Pooh Blankie
Fixing to head to the parade. This is my first attempt at bow making! Not bad, thanks to a website I found with step by step picture instructions!
Addy is 5 months tomorrow!! I cannot believe how fast the time is flying! She is growing way to fast and I can't seem to slow her down.
Here is the 5 Month Update...
- She weighs about 14 pounds and 10 ounces now.
- She is on full formula for milk and eating solids twice a day. She eats her cereal with bananas for breakfast and then in the evening she is getting a fruit and a veggie. Right now she has only been introduced to bananas, sweet potatoes and green beans. She gets six ounces every four hours.
- She is ALMOST sleeping through the night. Her sickness threw a wrench in things and we have regressed a little, but she normally doesn't get up to eat until about four thirty or five...which is about eight straight hours of sleep for her. Bedtime is at eight.
- She pretty much sitting up by herself. She is pretty wobbly, but loves the freedom of seeing everything.
- She is rolling back to front and front to back.
- She is trying really hard to scoot. Right now she is set in reverse gear. She can push herself backwards, which is the first stages of crawling. She is pulling her knees up under her, but hasn't gotten that big belly off the floor yet.
- She LOVES the bath. She just lays on a sponge in our tub so she can play and kick, she did not like the fancy baby baths they have out. She has now began 'swimming.' Really its just squirming, but she moves like crazy. She wiggles off her sponge and then tries to pull on it. Her favorite bath toy is still the washcloth and her wet hands.
- She is no longer much of a fan of the bouncy seat. It doesn't hold her upright enough and she gets very frustrated.
- She loves to read books. She is very attentive and studies the pictures. She also watches so close when we sign to her. She will pick that up very soon I think.
- She is a blankie girl. She loves to have her Pooh Lovey with her. She always cuddles up with her blankies.
- She is reaching out with both hands and grabbing things in front of her.
- Drool is picking up again. There are no sign of teeth yet.
- She has began showing an intense interest in Sally our dog. Everyone else disappears when Sally enters the picture.
- She has the hand to mouth reflex. If it touches her hand it is inserted into her mouth.
- She constantly gags herself on her own fingers.
- She is constantly reminding us who is boss! She is a very picky little girl with an assertiveness about her. She definitely not a laid back baby. She cracks us up constantly with her opinions. I fear her teenage years.
- She still loves her pacifier. She loves to hold in when it is in her mouth. She often pulls it out and has put it back in on her own a few times.
- We LOVE our little girl so much. She is our pride and most definitely our joy. She is a happy girl and is always smiling. We can't wait for her first Christmas!
We took her to the parade on 34th Street tonight. She loved the lights and sounds. She seemed to enjoy the Coronado band the most with its loud music.
Who needs a pacifier when it comes on this awesome string?
Loving on Daddy
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