
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

This weekend we headed home for Mine and Bradley's 5 year class reunion! We didn't have a great turnout. Apparently Halloween is a bad weekend for a reunion! :) However, we only graduated with 48 people, so we had a third! A few others came and went throughout the night and missed the picture, but here is the ONLY picture I took the whole night!!! *sigh*
 But we flew back home this afternoon speedy quick in an effort to take Addy to the church's family Fun Fest! We really had no idea how big this candy fest was! Addy was quite a tired Cat in the Hat, but we made it, and had a great time. She was missing her bow tie so she spent most of the night looking more like a skunk, but oh well.
Although she really wasn't much of a fan of the hat. It was pretty big on her.

Here is the only family picture I could get of Addy with her hat semi-on.  
 We met up with the Caraways! Remember Addy's new bud? John Lofton was the cutest little elephant ever! These two kiddos love their daddies!

 Our class had a Rock Crawler that was handmade by Bradley (Not My Bradley) in our class. Addy and John Lofton had SO much fun playing together in it!  
Happy Halloween!!! 

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