
Monday, November 16, 2009

4 Months

So tonight's post turned into a novel.....

Well believe it or sweet princess is already 4 months old!! She has grown so fast! Where has the time gone? This past week has held some major changes for Addy Rae. We just got a mobile up in her room and Holy Cow! Where have we been? Those things are magical! We laid her in her crib to try it out and never heard another peep! Yes she fell asleep on her back all by herself! The magical powers of the mobile worked not once, but four times! Two naps on Saturday and two on Sunday! She slept each time at least two hours. Yay Addy! Another major change was Saturday night we decided it was time to move Addy into her own room. Yes she was STILL in my room in her pack n play. Well of course that transition didn't take place without a few tears...from me. She did great of course. She woke up a little more often the first night, but already she has adjusted well. Here are a few more milestones that Addy has reached lately...
  • Her four month weight is 13 pounds even, and she is 24 inches tall.

  • She has been rolling front to back for several months now...but she is also rolling from side to tummy. She hasn't quite made the full roll from back to front yet.

  • She loves her bouncy seat! She has begun reaching out and grabbing the toys. She actually is using coordination to grab the rings rather than just accidently hitting them.

  • She is trying super hard to crawl... right now she just barely scoots. I mean barely, but the effort is definitely there.
  • Addy is also wanting to sit up so bad. She can hold herself for a very brief second before toppling. She loves to sit in her bumbo and look around. If you let her grab your fingers she is automatically trying to pull herself up to the sitting position.

  • Bath time is a blast. She kicks until she is splashing herself in the face. She loves to get her fingers wet and then suck on them.
  • Speaking of sucking on her fingers they are constantly in her mouth. Usually she is also 'talking' the whole time.

  • When she isn't sucking on her fingers, she has her mouth open like a birdy looking for the pacifier. She has completely giving up on her thumb, which in my opinion is a good thing!

  • Addy's all time favorite thing would have to be standing! If she is up and awake she prefers to have those feet on the floor! She even has begun arching her back and stiffening her body when she is sitting to try and get you to stand her up.

  • Addy's sweet laugh is the sweetest sound to Bradley and I. It is amazing what goofy lengths we go to get a giggle from her! She has never laughed once that did not end up hiccups.

  • Everything Addy gets her hands on, including someone else's fingers, goes straight to the mouth. She has began drooling a ton more!

  • She is so smiley these days. She is so funny, almost everytime she smiles, she also turns her head and hides as if she is so shy. I don't know that this is the reason, but its pretty funny. I was a very shy kid and Bradley still is pretty shy, so she may be. However, my dad informed me that from his Master's of counseling classes, he learned that shyness is one of the few traits that scientist don't know if its inherited or, don't you feel smarter? Kind of interesting anyway.

I am sure that there is a million more things I could tell you about my sweet girl. She is changing so fast! Bradley and I have so much fun playing with her. She is getting more and more alert and interacting so much more often. Oh...and we got the ok today to begin cereal with her! So check back for those pictures of her first solid meal.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for sleep...I am sure Mommy and Daddy are excited about a much needed break! She is too cute Joni!!!
