Right at 12:30 I checked into the hospital. I was told there were no beds available and I that as soon as one was clean they would come get me. We waited around in the waiting room for a while. They then went ahead and brought me back to triage and started my IV, drew the necessary blood and did all the questioning.
We then waited there for over an hour before we got put into a delivery room. I was hooked up to the pitocin finally at 3:00 p.m. We knew then it may be a long night. Contractions had started earlier that day, but nothing consistent although they were getting more intense. However, once the pitocin started things were moving. My Dr. came in about 5 and broke my water. At that point I was a 4 and 80% effaced. Things were progressing. I requested my epidural about that time and the pitocin was cranked up.
By the time I got the epidural contractions were about super intense and coming every minute to minute and a half. After an unsuccessful epidural with Addy I was SO nervous about it. The anesthesiologist came in and visited with me explaining all the risks associated with lupus and blood disorders. He did an amazing job getting it in and having it all working properly so fast. I began to feel relief within 10 minutes. I was checked right after that and was already a 6 and 90% effaced.
I was able to really start resting and relaxing when all the sudden out of nowhere I had the most intense urge ever to push!! I do not remember that with Addy, and they kept warning me it would be faster with the second. I yelled at Bradley, "find the nurse, I have to push!" She came in right away and sure enough I was a 10 and ready to go! She began getting everything ready while the doctor was getting dressed.
It took exactly 4 contractions to get Miss Elliotte here. She was a squealer right away and the first words out of my mouth were, "She looks exactly like Addy!!" Bradley cut her cord. Her cord looked like a spiral noodle. It was spun so tightly... I laughed and said I told you she was a ninja! Little girl was a mover!
Elliotte Dalene had arrived!!
December 20th
at 9:36 p.m.
6 pounds 9 ounces
18 1/2 inches long
They moved her over to the corner of the room to get her cleaned up while I was getting stitched up. 1 Stitch to be exact! Thank goodness! Elli was having a lot of trouble clearing her airways at first. She just kept choking on mucous. They ended up having to do the tube sucker that went into her throat to really get things moving. It took quite some time and I think she was close to earning herself a trip to the NICU, but luckily she finally was able to cry and cough enough up to really get her airways cleaned out. Her apgar was an 8 at first, but she was good to go after a few more minutes.
We were in love from first sight, but the minute they handed that little girl back to me my heart swole up 100 times bigger! She immediately was ready to eat!
Then my favorite part of the day... Bradley went to get the proud big sister and bring her in! We promised her she got to be the first one to hold her baby sister. Her face coming in the door was priceless!! She had the biggest smile I have ever seen! She just couldn't contain her excitement! She kept saying, "Hi, Baby Elli, I'm your big sister." or "I'm just so glad I have a little sister now!" It really should have been on video because there has never been a more precious moment.
She was immediately ready to hold that baby sister and give her lots of sugars!
The rest of the grandparents and family joined us soon after to meet the newest little Anderle.
We ended up staying in the labor room overnight. We were the 11th baby delivered that day and there were absolutely no mother/baby recovery rooms available. They even moved some people up to the next floor. They were full! Luckily we had a huge room and didn't mind getting to stay put.
We ended up only staying in a little after 24 hours and were discharged the next evening at 11:30pm since Elli and I were both doing so well and we were so ready to get home. We had to wait the longest on the pediatrician because we were waiting on Elli's EKG results. Often mamas with lupus can sometimes have babies with heart defects. They were checking to make sure there were no abnormalitites. Elliotte checked out perfect!
I could not be happier with how smoothly the labor and delivery went with Elliotte. I feel like my doctor and I danced many circles and had many hiccups during the pregnancy, but he definitely took care of us during delivery. Of course, we are absolutely in love with our precious new addition to our family...our very own Christmas miracle. We can't wait to keep you updated as life changes and adjusts!
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