
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 26

Addy's face is so hilarious in this one!! Haha!

Weight: Believe it or not I am only up 1 pound this week...11 total. Unfortunately, I am still looking huge even without the weight gain!! My body seems to be all too excited to spread out and fill in!! Yuck!

Movement: Hiccups have begun to shake the belly! It's precious to feel those little bumpity bumps!

Exercise: I am still running 3 miles but I am only doing it 3 times a week now. The other days I do some walking and resistance training.

Sleep: I am tired! Some nights are ok and others not so good! I am really having more backaches and that is adding to the discomfort!

Dr. Appt: Another perfect visit! The dr. seems very impressed with sweet Elliotte! On the sono this week we got to see her suck her thumb for the first time and she kept sticking her tongue out at us! :)


  1. I love Addy's face! What a great big sis she is already!

    1. Thanks Elisabeth!! She is SO excited about her little sister! I want to see some belly pics of your growing little girl!! :)
