
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 24

Week 24

Weight: TWO WORDS: CHOCOLATE CAKE!! Up 2 more pounds and a grand total of 10. This has to be the downfall to Bradley and I sharing a birthday week! Well, maybe thats just an excuse because I didn't even get a cake...I just ate on Bradleys all week! Eek! :)

Exercise: I have slacked this week big time on the exercising. Back to it next week!

Sleep: It's gotten worse if thats possible. Now I lay on a side with a pillow between my knees. I am having problems with my whole hip and leg falling asleep like five minutes of laying on the side. Flip over and same thing happens. I literally roll back and forth all night!

Movement: I have an ornery little girl on my hands! She LOVES to kick whatever is laying on my belly: Addy, Bradley, my arm, Ipad, ice, pants...anything. Its quite hilarious! Addy's favorite thing is to lay something on my belly and then pretend Elli kicked it off. Yet when Elliotte is working so hard to actually kick Addy off of her, Addy is completely oblivious to her movements! Haha! :)

Dr. Appt: Another perfect sonogram. Elli weighed 1 pound, 8 ounces. She was up 4 ounces in a week! She is going to be barrel chested just like Addy! Her chest circumference was a week ahead! I giggled when she told me that because Addy always measured so little! I can't imagine having lots of chunky rolls to kiss on!

Elliotte was much more active this sonogram. She really doesn't like being messed with every week. Every time the sono tech would put the wand right over her face she would put her hands up over her face and rub her eyes. She was back in head down position. My fundal height was 20cm. I asked the dr. about it and he replied, "Oh, you're pretty tall so you will measure a lot smaller." I about choked on my own spit when he said that. :)

I had to add this in! I wore this same dress for our anniversary dinner in June and then our birthday dinner this weekend! What a difference 12 weeks makes!!

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